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There is a long history of American carpetbaggers making off with the cash

There is a long history of American carpetbaggers making off with the cash

They are offering to buy up the failed divisions of the US oil cartel in Canada at valuable hyperlink a premium price. Nexen is a failed Company now, little business. But China is prepared to pay a 60% premium on the stock. The Wall Streeters are falling all over themselves trying to get the deal to happen and bail. The problem for Herr Harper is that his employer the US oil cartel is under threat from China all over the world. They have to dough to buy up cartel assets because they are held by individual shareholders. Those holding oil and nat. Nobody on the Street can think more than 3 months ahead. Canada was built by people who could think years and years out. So there is a lot of valuable oil and nat.

China is stepping in to snap up the bargains which the Can. Provincial Energy Cartel [ CPEC ] should be gathering in for Canadians. Harper is passing legislation that will allow the Chinese companies owned by a totalitarian regime to supersede provincial laws. I think not. The people in each province OWN THE NATURAL RESOURCES. What Harper is doing is taking away the right of the provinces to pass laws which protect their environment, their workforce and determine the extent of the benefits which will accrue to their people. Recently China blocked stories on the net from the US press about corruption in their Government. As well we find out that secrets deals are being made with Harper wherein the the workforce on the various projects now being eyed by China will see them filled by people from the homeland.

Canadians will be eligible for the throw away jobs. There are three trials going on south of the border in which Chinese agents have stolen industrial secrets. The new Chinese Shenyang F-35 is a direct steal from the american F-35. Not bloody likely. When the Canadian Provincial Energy Cartel is formed one of the first step should be the acquisition of properties like Nexen, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Talisman, Encana and others. Everyone selling out to China is not an option. Shareholders put their money in and look for a return plus if possible an increase in share value.

Without any business the stock of these Companies is falling and they’ll will not be able to pay their bills

In the present shoot out even if we let China have everything it wants at least 100 oil / nat. Meaning many investors no holding stock will be worth bugger all. Here’s a new angle. CPEC cancells all existing lease agreements where production stops. This relieves businesses of the need to make payments. These companies would be invited to participate in the planning of the new Twin Beaver pipe line and the attendant infrastructure. Remember this new twin pipe would carry natural gas and refined oil products to Easten Canada and to the world market from Fort McMurray. The Fort would be the centre for upgrading and refining oil in Canada. The surrounding tar sands projects would send DilBit through double walled pipes to the Fort from the Peace River and Cold Lake districts to eliminate tar slurry [ made up of sand and lighter fluid ] spills and to reduce to a bare minimum the number of miles of pipe carrying the dangerous / toxic DilBit.

Parliament would be stormed and Harper would lose his head

By creating a very efficient/ clean / Green extraction system with steady demand firms like Nexen would become profitable on a long term basis and a steady stock price with a dividend component. I think that there are a lot of investors who would like to invest in long term / safe enterprises with government involvement? Those hedge funds on Wall St. The ability to churn stock and boost values by way of rumour in the short term would be eliminated. It might be possible to eliminate provincial royalties altogether. With all of the jobs and the processes remaining resident in the West the taxes and revenues derived from refining aviation fuel, diesel, lighter fluid and petro chemicals should boost provincial revenues and eliminate deficits in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

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