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Cougar, hill lion, puma, panther, catamount, Puma concolor: lots of years of islanders need talked these brands with a combination of affection, interest, and concern.

Cougar, hill lion, puma, panther, catamount, Puma concolor: lots of years of islanders need talked these brands with a combination of affection, interest, and concern.

General Cougar Info:

In 1891, the steamer Lola dropped Oliver Van Olinda at Langill’s Landing on Colvos passageway the very first time and following that the guy strolled doing heart. After he recorded his effect:

“I originated in the fantastic prairies of Nebraska and, as I strolled as much as heart within the collecting dusk of a mid-August night, massive fir woods towering 300 foot above myself on both sides of walk in an around impenetrable wall surface and flanked by big finance companies of ferns, the beauty of the scene ended up being overshadowed by believed that these types of conditions merely must harbor hoards of bears and catamounts [19th 100 years phase for cougar]. “

In Isle for the Sea Breezers Roland Carey produces, “Since the island was initially populated, a popular cougar is seen, heard, monitored, and envisioned, as often since the well known sasquatch is glimpsed in other parts.”

Now, islanders of 2016 generation are just as perplexed, captivated, and careful of the most latest cougar visitor. We assembled here web page to provide more area specific facts for owners. Cougars are included in the diverse creatures and witnessing you ought to end up being a rewarding and exciting knowledge. Hopefully your informative data on this page allows us to all discover more about these unexpected island residents.

Many thanks to Peter Ray and VOV for video-taping this talk for us.

  • 1915–Cougar killed at combination getting by Dan Lander. The next August an extermination promotion are go to overcome cougars from Vashon, no body knows how profitable it had been.
  • 1919–Harbor levels cougar sighting, reported in 1920 isle Information Record.
  • 1920–Harbor levels cougar apparently kills some birds. Reported in Isle Reports Record.
  • 1924–Stephen Lander shoots cougar 3/4 miles from the Dan Lander’s shooting in 1915. Reported in Area Reports Record.
  • 2011– 2-3 reports of cougar sightings in Ellisport Canyon place reported to T Martino of Wolftown.
  • 2015–1 sighting of a cougar near Reddings beach/Cross Landing reported to Vashon characteristics middle. Motion devices cameras setup but little recognized after first sighting.
  • 2016–Several sightings, a few of that are verified with paths or animal images, through the area.
  • Maury cougar shoot in September of 2016 near Manzanita seashore by islander Jesse Bell.

    Centered on time of the year more cougar sightings happen on Vashon (later part of the spring-summer) we feel that many cougars were travel men dispersing off their natal regions and diving across to our shores. They normally use our very own isles for a few weeks a number of period, as a stepping rock to big region. According to a 1995 investigation article from institution of Ca Berkeley, “dispersing men entertain a number of tiny temporary house range, frequently near urban-wildlife connects.” Our island is probably one of these brilliant connects for Washington condition cougars.


    Hill lions is worthwhile animals. Elusive, quiet, and stronger, they will have developed for more than 35 million ages becoming just about the most efficient predators in the world. Just studying her structure, physiology, and attitude engenders appreciate of these beautiful crazy animals. Below we communicate some answers to frequently asked questions that we field regularly at Vashon character heart.

    Just how can mountain lions get here?

    They swim! Cougars are fantastic swimmers and now have caused it to be on the isle many times prior to now. Various other countries throughout the Salish water additionally undertaking routine cougar check outs, through the reduced area team off the western coastline of Vancouver Island to BC’s considerably sheltered Gulf countries. Bainbridge and Whidbey isles also have files of cougar sightings.

    When will more latest mountain lion allow?

    We’ve no idea! Usually mountain lions never hang in there our very own isle lots of period. However, as ages continue, the deer people has grown in lack of apex predators, which might be an issue that enables a cougar to stay right here much longer. Best times will tell.

    is not Vashon-Maury too tiny for a cougar?

    Typical variety sizes for male cougars tend to be 50-100 square miles. Feminine range tend to be slightly much less large. Vashon is actually 37 square kilometers. We don’t learn which points are most powerful in deciding selection size. If foods density was a powerful element, a cougar may extend its stay static in a little neighborhood. However, shortage of mates will likely convince motion at some point.

    Are hill lions dangerous?

    If you find yourself a deer sure. If you’re a human less thus, particularly if you prepare yourself and your group in how-to respond in the event that you encounter a cougar (discover subsequent concern). A healthy value for cougars is essential but we don’t must be extremely scared. Hill lions exists in just about every rural-urban interface in Arizona so there have only become one deadly combat on people in Washington and it also took place 1924. We are greatly predisposed getting damage by deer here regarding area as they mix highway into vehicle pathways. People in cougar nation start business as always (think Bellingham, Issaquah, North flex and Cougar hill trails) nevertheless a few recommendations from WDFW and areas Canada for extra coverage for people who wants it include: hold a walking stick, bear sprinkle, or a noise maker. Read considerably useful information below.

    What do I do easily discover a cougar?

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