Appendix C: force pages and greatest suitable unit In the ST situation, the scaled force profiles never reveal any significant reliance upon mass, as shown in Sect. 3.4. To phrase it differently, the pressure profiles stick to a regular self-similar mass scaling: with P500 described by Eq. (5). The GNFW details associated with the common profile , derived as described in Sect. 5, is: This means that, the built-in Compton details also adhere requirement self-similarity, . The connections based on the common force profile may be written as: with Y500 given by Eq. (16) and I(x) or J(x) explained by Eqs. (24) and (27), correspondingly. Your GNFW variables given by Eq. (B.2), the statistical beliefs of I(1), I(5) and J(1) is 0.6552, 1.1885 and 0.7913, respectively. The regards produced by a pri...