I fear it was wrong, though expedient Well, Mr. Lockwood, I argued and complained, and flatly refused him fifty times; but in the long run he forced me to an agreement. I engaged to carry a letter from him to my mistress; and should she consent, I promised to let him have intelligence of Lintons next absence from home, when he might come, and get in as he was able: I wouldnt be there, and my fellow-servants should be equally out of the way. Was it right or wrong? I thought I prevented another explosion by my compliance; and I thought, too, it might create a favourable crisis in Catherines mental illness: and then I remembered Mr. Edgars stern rebuke of my carrying tales; and I tried to smooth away all disquietude on the subject, by affirming, with frequent iteration, that that betrayal of ...
Banks themselves do tend to make full recourse (that is, usurious) loans to individuals 44) Suppose I am thinking about agreeing to a financial contract which will produce some interest or other profit for me – say by opening a bank account. How can I be sure that what I am about to do is not usury? If you can identify specific individuals who are personally liable under the agreement to return your principal and pay you profitable interest, the contract is usury. If you cannot identify any such individuals, the contract is not usury. It is fine generally speaking to make investments as a hedge against this, in an effort to preserve wealth; but it is not morally licit to make usurious loans as a hedge against this Opening an interest-bearing account is therefore remote material cooperation...