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In 2015, Hornes and 14 other Corinthian victims took the unheard-of step of refusing to pay their student loans

In 2015, Hornes and 14 other Corinthian victims took the unheard-of step of refusing to pay their student loans It’s a shell game, and for those with these loans, the cup never reveals more money, only another bill The strike came amid a series of lawsuits filed against Corinthian by the states of California and Massachusetts, and it provided a beacon for the thousands of others who had been similarly preyed upon. In concert with these efforts, the strikers ultimately secured $480 million in debt relief. Ami Schneider attended the Illinois Institute of Art, a for-profit art school that was recently shut down by its new owners due to accreditation issues. The school left Schneider over $120,000 in debt, but the apathetic climate around student debt when she graduated in 2010 left her ...

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