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Didn’t you kids have sex ed in school?

Didn’t you kids have sex ed in school? I think welfare is so wrong because i am not going to pay for lazy people who, instead of doing all that they escort in Corpus Christi can to look for a better job, sit on their butts. Also i have seen too many people cheat the system. All these people need to think of the people who are paying for their lazy butts. anon543 Welfare is a tricky thing. Lots of people get on it who should not be on it at all. Those who make enough but cannot make ends meet need to re-evaluate their lives and create a better budget. I grew up with two teachers for parents. My mother stayed home with us. I am the oldest of five children, and she stayed home with all five of us. My father was the only one working. He made it. Teachers do not make a lot of money We did...

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